Sender: PaprikaMolnár Ltd
Dear customers, visitors and partners!
The autumn season is the busiest time for PaprikaMolnár Ltd. The fresh paprikas are continuously on the move: harvested from the fields, loaded, transported and unloaded at our courtyard, and our drying machine is working full-time day and night.
The dryer is working
Although we are working hard we don’t want to leave you without any news. In this blogpost we thought that instead of the usual long text we will post some nice colorful images. We hope that these Autumn Greetings are reaching many people so that all have the opportunitiy to take a look at our seasons scenery.
The paprika farmers arrive every day one after the other. They leave immediately after they have submitted and certified their paprika harvest, as they still have a lot of work to do.
You probably know that the post-harvest scene basically determines the outlook of our entire courtyard. As far as eyes can see, a large red sea of bags full of freshly picked paprikas. If they are lucky, they can take a nice long time to sunbathe which will give your meal this true dark red color.
Post-harvesting I.
Post-harvesting II.
Once they’ve spent a few weeks under the sun, the paprikas are put in the hot dryer. In here without any pauses the remaining moisture will be slowly and surely reduced to a minimum. Fresh paprika flakes straight from the dryer are crunchy and juicy. Like paprikachips. 🙂 You should come taste it sometime!
Of course, during all this hard work we are still happy to see visitors. In fact visiting the Museum in this season can be extra informative, as we can live-show the most spectacular processes.
We are looking forward seeing you soon. In one of our next post we will let you know about the next station for the fresh dried paprikas: the milling!
Fresh paprika powder is coming soon!
Warm autumn greetings,
PaprikaMolnár Ltd.
Röszke, 9th October 2019.
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