Paprika growers know it well that it is high time to buy and sow the paprika seeds now. The grower needs to decide on which variety to use and whether to buy certified or patented seeds. Farmers can select their own seeds: leave the pods become fully ripe, maybe throughout the winter, cut up the flesh and remove the seeds. This is a common practice, but you can’t do this for years. We recommend you renew your seed bases every other year. When you buy certified seeds, you will get a certificate of origin with your seeds. Make sure you ask the seller to recommend planting and growing practices for the variety you are buying.
Among the many non-hot or sweet varieties, the Hungarian paprika variety called Mihálytelki is a good choice. Price is reasonable (at 120 EUR per kilogram) and you may buy the seeds from the patent holder at The plant has pendant-orientated fruits on a bush as high as 40 to 50 cm and the red pigment-content of the fruit is between 7 and 9 g per kilogram.
Another source of sweet varieties is ZKI Zrt. Good and reliable traditional varieties are Szegedi 80 and Kárminvörös. Their prices are around 125 EUR per 100.000 seeds and the red pigment content of these varieties are similar to that of Mihálytelki. Other varieties by ZKI are hybrids like Palotás F1 and Bolero F1. Prices are dear, between 170 and 250 EUR per 10.000 seeds, however their large fruit-size and unusually high yield make these varieties very popular among growers.
Szegedi 178 has been a popular hot variety for a long time. Its pendant fruits have relatively high red pigment content (6 to 8 g per kilogram). For further information on these varieties, you may call ZKI at +36-76-417-446.
We are coming close to the end of March, these are the last minutes to buy the seeds and sow them under the foil tunnels. In case of any questions, please call plant engineer Albert Molnár at PaprikaMolnár Ltd at +36-20-974-8698.
A bag of seeds
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